
Dorothy konrad
Dorothy konrad

She can be the life of a party, and enjoy performing before an audience. When her life is balanced, however, Dorothy Konrad is both charming and attractive. Konrad needs her space and privacy, which, when violated, can cause her great frustration and irritation. As a result, close associations are difficult for her to form and keep, especially marriage. Dorothy is a lone wolf, a person who lives by his own ideas and methods. She needs time to contemplate her ideas without the intrusion of other people's thoughts. Once she has enough pieces in place, Dorothy is capable of highly creative insight and practical solutions to problems.ĭorothy Konrad enjoys her solitude and prefers to work alone. Dorothy Konrad enjoys research, and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together. She possesses a fine mind, and is an analytical thinker, capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. Konrad is well-equipped to handle her task. As a result, Dorothy's life path is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and finding the answers to the mysteries of life. She has a clear and compelling sense of herself as a spiritual being. I personally don’t see this Dr.Dorothy Konrad is the searcher and the seeker of the truth. they did that with me, with 5G, so, one has to look at “her” motive? and any pay off, follow the money trail and you will see, the true evil research!

dorothy konrad

It’s too bad that some people? who ever they are? maybe zuckyberg botts? are trying to discredit this Dr. talks, it’s never the other way around where I go, red frickin flag, she is RIGHT, not like the Alex Jones of the world, that leave crucial stuff out, to say the least! I know the patents she talks about, I have too many! She is credible, you just have to dig deep, and trust your spider senses!!! I have no doubt in my brain, that her message is truth, she only confirms what I’ve also learned so far, in 4 feet of documents alone, when this Dr.

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I have done a ton of research on all things covid, for 18 months, I did 9/11 before that! It lead me to all things WiFi, 5G, chem-trails, GMO allllll the way’s “govt” is killing us, Eugenicist BILL GATES DEPOPULATION program is in full force, and, IS UNDENIABLE when it comes out of his very own dirty mouth!!! Covid lead down me into another govt, deep, dark bottomless rabbit hole! From Canada, to India, to GATES, to the (long) list of profiting oligarchs reaping the rewards of COVID!!

dorothy konrad

Two excellent books regarding these topics would be Bitten the secret history of Lyme Disease by Kris Newby And Altered Genes, Twisted Truth by Steven Brucker Log in to Reply Interestingly I opened a computer business and the stories about artificial intelligence and smart phones is spot on, too. Symptoms are now labeled as if they were diseases so they can be treated with new drugs, too. It’s all medical management for folks “ in the system”. (First:Do no harm) Profits and the “bottom line” became the law of the land in medical facilities and clinics. Consequently the Hippocratic oath were kicked to the curb. I got out of the medical field when I watched medicine being regulated and manipulated by big business, government, the insurance industry and big pharma.

dorothy konrad

Truth and truthers are being discredited and “erased”. I was trained as a nurse, laboratory technician and ran a medical reference laboratory for 3 years.

Dorothy konrad